Jam Postmortem!

Thanks for playing my quick little game! I'm a casual game dev dabbler and this is only my second jam. I had less time to work on this because I didn’t take a leave from work and I had prior appointments on the weekend, so I’m proud of just completing a functional game all on my own, even though it’s barebones.

It was hard thinking of a concept related to asexuality until I remembered this dumb memory. In high school, I wrote a shitpost otome game about my friend picking a prom date between fictional characters, in which I cameoed as the shopkeeper, figuring that if I was going to be a character in an otome game, that’s probably what I’d do. In retrospect, you’d think choosing to be some NPC in a world full of hot people should’ve clued me in on something.

Here’s a list of features I was daydreaming about at some point but didn’t put in the game due to obvious game jam scope reasons:

  • “Grid inventory” style shelf stocking
  • Haggling mechanics
  • Decoration items and shop stats
  • Unique customer NPCs with their own storylines

    • A female student who wants Yam to be her otome game archetypal “girl best friend”
    • A male student who, like Yam, feels like he doesn’t fit into the otome game world, but unfortunately has girls falling at his feet like every other guy on campus
    • The popular school “prince”
    • Another male student who would also like to avoid the girls falling at his feet because he already has a crush on the prince
    • A happily married professor who is amused at the students’ shenanigans
  • Some insane convoluted overarching plotline because it feels like otome games always have those

I’m not yet sure if I’ll ever come back and add any of this stuff, but it’s nice to think about!


Jam Version Play in browser
6 days ago

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